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Rue Louis Favre 22bis
CH-1201 Geneva


Artist: Elizabeth Lebon
Softcover, 194 pages
Format: 20.8 × 28.6 cm
ISBN 978-2-940409-73-0
Boabooks 073
Out of print

Spooool reproduces the one-off rolls written by Elizabeth Lebon between 2013 and 2014. The artist wrote with a typewriter on till rolls. “From Newquay to Brooksby’s Walk” is 23 metres long. “Forwards not Forwards”, “Tide Weighs Four”, “Water Looking, Letter, Yes”, and “Bodies” are all 10 m by 6 cm. These five texts tune in as five voices to Elizabeth Lebon’s literary manifesto – a 63-metre long typescript. The typewriter was used as a pretext for staying away from contemporary writing clichés. Repetition, mistakes, and fragile paper turn these rolls into an archetypal masterwork that took two years in the making, during which the artist’s relationship with writing constantly drifted between form and content. Lebon developed a performance-oriented personal language, consistent with the very nature of her performances (see "Twelve Tapestries"). She sees this arrangement as a new form of writing that questions the sounds of her language. See also 200 Memories.