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Rue Louis Favre 22bis
CH-1201 Geneva


Renovating / Renovieren
Artist: Miriam Sturzenegger
Designer: Izet Sheshivari
Softcover, 32 Pages
Format: 14.8×21 cm
ISBN 978-2-940409-76-1
Boabooks 076
Price 26 CHF

Miriam Sturzenegger’s Renovating / Renovieren is a compilation of texts about space, time, and the relationship between them, as well as with her work. Writing is a medium favoured by the artist not only for the sake of experimentation and research, but also as a visual arts language that she developed as a response to the constraints of architecture, similarly to her in-situ installations, her books Filter of Time, The Fog is a Light Darkness and Woran sich halten? / What to go by?.