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Rue Louis Favre 22bis
CH-1201 Geneva


In alphabetical order
Artist: Ulises Carrión
Softcover, 48 pages + errata
Format: 14.8×21 cm
ISBN 978-2-940409-94-5
Boabooks 081
Price CHF 28

In alphabetical order is a facsimile of the seminal magazine created by Ulises Carrión and Cres, originally published in 1979. In this photographic book - one of very few of Carrion's entire practice - the author is very critical about his own affiliation with the mail art movement. The book presents a series a photographs of his calling card filing box, which the author juxtaposes with witty and poignant captions: “This book of mine is partly real facts and partly fantasy. The real fact is that I love lists of names, card indexes, information retrieval systems, that sort of thing. No wonder I have an archive at home, the Other Books and So Archive, which includes a collection of artist's books.” His attitude to poetry precluded, to a certain extent, his book The new art of making books: “The text of a book in the new art can be a novel as well as a single word, sonnets as well as jokes, love letters as well as weather reports.”