are presenting a unique research process into the book form.

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Rue Louis Favre 22bis
1201 Genève

The Book of Ghost
Artist: Elizabeth Lebon
Designer: Izet Sheshivari
Softcover, 32 Pages
Format: 8 × 12 cm
Boabooks 095
Price CHF 140.00

Elizabeth Lebon writes poems, stories and performances, usually with the help of a type-writer. The choice of paper, as well as its format, is centrally important to the conceptualization and experimentation of this artist; Lebon has written, typed and sewn as many words onto baking paper and cash-register rolls as onto blank pages of A4. The resulting text-objects give thoughts material, aural and autonomous form, and are reminiscent of both the precepts of Ulises Carrión’s The new art of making books, and of the work of metaphysical poets of the English renaissance. The author’s poetic language – and constellations of ideas – transport us, so that the book form, and the typography on the page, surprise and delight.